Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 3 - friends, music, and robotics . . .

What an awesome day it was . . . it started by our friends, Jason and Deena, calling us this morning to have breakfast with them. We were initially introduced by a mutual friend--Jason happens to work for Philips as well and they moved their family here from Cumming just four months ago. Needless to say, they've been so welcoming and helpful, and it's just been nice to talk with someone who understands what we're going through. I love our new friends!

After breakfast we ran a couple errands and then went to the train station to meet an old friend: Adam, the brother of one of my best friends. He happens to be backpacking through Europe from May to August, so decided to make a stop here and see us! We spent the rest of the day together, showing him the city, our new house, and everything Eindhoven has to offer (which isn't too much, but fun nonetheless). Spending time with him today felt like a little piece of home. God is good!

One thing we DID come across while in the City Centrum today was an interesting robotics competition -- teams built robots to carry a tray of beer to people's tables. But what was more interesting than that was the robotic band that was playing in the same tent! A computer controlled actual instruments that played Black Eyed Peas and Red Hot Chili Peppers while we were standing there -- so fun! : )  I've been trying to get the videos to upload, but am having trouble, so as soon as I do I will post them.

On a different note, our dog Murphy is getting on a plane this evening to come meet us in the Netherlands. I am really worried that he will be stressed out by traveling this far, but I keep reminding myself that in less than 24 hours he will be here with us. Unfortunately, he will be here in a HOTEL with us since the movers aren't coming until Monday or Tuesday. But we will survive; I'll just be glad to have him with us.

Tomorrow we meet with our midwife and set up some future appointments (including an ultrasound--YAY!) to prepare us for Liam's arrival. We also found a series of Child Prep classes that are taught in English, but unfortunately take place in Amsterdam (about an hour and fifteen minutes away), so we may try to find something closer to home. Anyway, I'm sure there will be more to tell tomorrow! Good night everyone!


1 comment:

  1. Hi guys... I love the blog, great idea Jes, love reading about your far away... God Bless you both and keep you safe...
