Thursday, April 19, 2012

. . . Liam's Law

Today was the very first time I've left Liam in the care of someone other than family . . . and we both survived! I wanted to attend the monthly IWCE meeting at Thermae Son like I did last month, but this time I would be taking Liam and letting him play in the creche (what they call daycare here) with the other kids while I got to attend the meeting and have lunch with friends. I was a nervous wreck, to say the least!

But before we left Liam decided it was time to take a nap, which was fine because he normally takes an hour morning nap and I would much rather him sleep in his crib than get a not-so-decent nap in the car or at the creche. He went down at 9:30, which normally would have been perfect . . . however, this morning Liam's Law was in full effect.

Liam's Law states: "Whenever there is a time that Mom or Dad need to be somewhere at a given hour, Liam shall sleep extra long and make Mom or Dad late."

Good for Liam, bad for Mom or Dad.

So Liam slept while I got ready, packed his diaper bag, and packed his lunch. And Liam continued to sleep. And sleep. And sleep. I planned to leave around 10:30 am for the 11 o'clock meeting, but Liam didn't wake up until 10:55 (and that was because Murphy barked at the doorbell, otherwise I think he would've continued to sleep)! As is the life of a baby. So I scooped him up and off we headed to Thermae Son. I of course got there late, but Liam went right into the creche with no problem -- he didn't cry or even notice when I left. I think he was so distracted by all the kids and toys that he immediately started playing with his old friend, Jackson, and new friend, Frida. Frida is Mariana's daughter and she was smitten with Liam, staying with him during his time in the creche -- it was precious!

The meeting went well and I was able to have a nice quiet lunch with friends sans kiddos -- and if you can believe it I only checked on Liam twice during the whole time (but never let him see me)! It was nice though because as different moms would check on their kids they would report back how the other kids were doing, so I always felt like he was being looked out for. Both times I looked in he was doing fine, playing on the floor one time and eating lunch the next.

Jackson, Liam, and Frida (Jackson's face cracks me up!)
He was in there for about an hour and a half, and I think this was a good first step for me -- Liam was away from me and with other kids, but I was close and could check in should he need anything. I am looking forward to attending future meetings and knowing that Liam will continue to grow and be more comfortable each time we go. He was the youngest today, which made me a little nervous, but on a scale of one to ten, I'd say I was about a seven on the satisfied scale. I will definitely do it again next month -- a quiet lunch with good friends is worth a little nervousness!  All in all, I'm proud of the two of us. : )


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