I am probably jinxing myself by even writing about it, but Liam is sleeping through the night. I know. I can't believe it either. The last three nights he has gone down between 9 and 10, and hasn't woken up before morning! I got some great advice from a friend and I tried it on Wednesday night, and Liam slept until 5:00 am the next morning. I was all, NO WAY. So I tried it again the next night and it worked again. SHUT. THE. FRONT. DOOR. Then last night was his best yet: he ate at 7:30 pm, was sleeping by 9:00, and slept until 6:00 am. I'm still in shock!
I'm not sleeping the whole time because I'm constantly watching the monitor because
surely he'll wake up any second, but he hardly stirs! I'll go up a couple times to pat his butt or give him the paci, but that's all it takes and then he's out for another few hours! I can hardly believe my luck. I can't wait to get to the point where
I actually sleep too, but for right now this is awesome! And we didn't even need Samuel L. Jackson's book. ; )